Life will never be the same again...

Ok, I cannot keep it a secret anymore!

We are expecting!
I had my first doctors appointment this past Friday and I was happy to find out that the doctor wanted to do an ultrasound to see how everything was going. I did not get to have an ultrasound when I was pregnant with Jason until I was almost 20 weeks so this was exciting. The doctor proceeded to look around without saying anything. I have to admit I was getting a little nervous because of the silence and because I had no idea what I was looking at! After a few minutes the doctor took a deep breath (which made me almost have a mini heart attack) and said "Well, see that fluttering there, that is the heart beat for baby #1." At this point I think I did have a mini heart attack and said "um baby #1! Does that mean there is more in there?" He moved the picture over a little and said "See that fluttering here, that is the heart beat of baby #2!" My hands immediately went to my face and all I could do was say "Are you sure? Oh my gosh! Are you sure? Oh my gosh!"

The doctor was able to get both babies in the shot and sure enough there was two separate little babies with two separate strong little heart beats.

We are excited, shocked, happy, overwhelmed, and feel incredibly blessed. And, according to Jason HE has a baby sister in his tummy. Needless to say he is really excited and has been running around the house shouting "TWO BABIES!"

We are due January 21st, but the doctor says that twins usually come 4 weeks early. So we may be having some Christmas babies. What a wonderful gift!


sylvia said...

WOW! Congratulations Lloyd family!! I think I would have seriouly passed out if I was you melinda. Has it sunk in yet that you will soon have THREE kids just like that? I'm sooooo happy for you! If you find out one or both babies are girls, I'll get started on some headbands.

Levi said...

Congratulations, couldn't have happened to nicer folks. Our kids are excited to get more cousins.

The Bartlett Family said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting!! I am so happy for you!!!! I have been told that twins are great (I of course wouldn't know and happy to just hear about it from others!) Good luck with your pregnancy!!!

Melinda said...

Congratulations Melinda! That is so exciting!!!

Nathan said...

Oh my goodness! Twins! That is exciting! And you thought you had all the baby stuff you needed! Now you will have to go get another crib, high chair, etc! Twins... phew. That is awesome.

The Marley Family said...

We are so very excited for your family!!! Twins will be great...once you get a bigger car. :)

If either baby is a boy...I have a ton of clothes and things to share! Hope you start feeling better soon.

Robbie+Erin said...

That's so exciting! Congratulations! That must have been such a surprise, a fun one though!

Hallenbergers said...

WOW CONGRATS!!! TWO!!! I am expecting too December 14th!! I was hoping for two because that would mean I am done! LOL looks like you got them instead! WOW hope all goes well with you and the babies!

Hoity Toity Baby said...

I have experienced that same exact experience. The second you hear you are having twins you are in complete shock, amazement, joy, fear, happiness, disbeliefe, you name the emotion, you feel it. I started laughing and crying at the same time! It was the most amazing moment of my life next to actually having them and bringing them home. I had a boy and a girl. Jake & Delaney (who are two now) were born via c-section at 37 1/2 weeks old. Delaney weighed 6.8 pounds and Jake weighed 6.4 pounds! THAT'S RIGHT, YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY! I was carring almost 13 pounds of baby! Reading your story has brought back so many memories! Thank you!!! LOL and the word below for my word verification is EXPANDO! LOL How perfect!

Baby Tai

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