The Haves and the Have Nots

There are only two types of people in this world. Those who were allowed to have a power wheels when they were a child and those who were not. Those of us who were not allowed to have one probably make up the vast majority of people but even then I'm fairly certain that the have nots still get a small twinge of jealousy, even now as adults, when they see a kid driving one of these down the block.

You should have seen Melinda's face when Jase and I stuffed this thing into the cart at the GoodWill Outlet store. $5 later and some creative work getting it into the car and we had our next project. Jason helped me take it all apart and spray down the body with a hose to wash off all the dirt. The next step was to peel off all the old decals, spray paint the body, and add some new stickers. We modded it to run off of a couple of my RC car batteries for easy charging and storage. Here's the finished project below. For anyone thinking that Jason is a richie rich kid right now, remember that in a half year's time he will be getting the serious shaft.


Gabriel Olson said...

That is a sweet-tastic ride! I never had anything that cool when i was a youngster.

Baby Tai

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