Some things we've been doing

Lately Jason has not been taking a nap and I am ok with that because it usually means around 7:00 HE is asking to go to bed. No nap does mean that I have 3 more hours during the day to entertain/teach/pacify him. I have been trying out different "sensory" items for him to play with. We have done rice, water and bubbles, beans, ice cubes, play dough etc. Here are some pictures of him playing with bubbles.

I went to Goodwill and picked up a big old frame, spray painted it, and linned the backing with felt. Jason now has a big felt board hanging in his room. This has been a fun way for us to practice letters, numbers, shapes, and play. I made some felt pictures of his favorite songs to play with as well as some animals and car with a race track. It is also great for our FHE lessons because Jason loves to be the one to put the pictures on the board. Just thought I would share some of the things!


Julie and Andy said...

You are so creative! I would never think of things like this! I need to be your neighbor when I start having kids!

Fahrenheit 350° said...

You are so super creative!

The Marley Family said...

What a great idea, I've been wanting to make a felt board for FHE but just haven't taken the time to do it. You have inspired me.

Anonymous said...

Way to go! He's such a lucky kid!

Baby Tai

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