"Jason, what goes down that hole?"

I have a public announcement! I have not changed a poopy diaper in two week! Sorry to discuss matters such as this, but to all diaper changing folk this is a BIG deal. After Easter I decided that I was going to bite the bullet and officially potty train Jason. I realized this would be a great way to portion control the sweets and provide a reward for him "keeping his big boy underwear dry." He has been doing fantastic and I could not be happier with the progress he has made. One unforeseen side effect of spending a lot more time sitting on the toilet and the fascination of flushing the "things" down the hole is that Jason decided last weekend that the toilet was a good place to thrown away other things. It started with an apple core which made it down fine. Next was another apple, this time with only one bite taken out of it; fished out of the toilet by daddy. On Sunday it was his pull up. Unfortunately this was not fishable and no.... it did not make it down fine. Poor Benj. After lots and lots, and I mean lots of plunging it would not budge. This is where my research begun. I am going to share a secret to all you moms out there who may be potty training and who may have a toddler with the disposition to flush objects down the toilet....

  • empty the water out of the bowl ( yuck, I know right.... but it has to be done)
  • Add 1 large pot full of boiling water
  • 1 cup of dish soap ( still debatable if this did anything or not)
  • Let sit for an hour or so and then try with all your might to plunge it again
If there is no change ( like in our adventure)
  • Empty it out again
  • Add another large pot of boiling water
  • 1 cup of bleach
  • Let sit for a really long time
  • Plunge again!
  • Sigh in relief that you do not have to call a plumber
  • Have a really really long talk with your toddler about what exactly goes down that hole :-)
*Not only will you unclog the clog, but you toilet will be cleaner then it has ever been.


Anonymous said...

I will be keeping this in mind :) We're going to start this journey in full swing very shortly. Congrats on not having to change a poopy in a while. Can't wait for that day!

I'm Kitty! said...

I'd love to change a poopy diaper! =) But congratulations - that's a big big big deal!

The Marley Family said...

Oh my goodness! I love this story...but sorry you had to live through that. Poor Benj indeed! But at least you can say you are pretty much officially poopy diaper free!!!! I am hoping to get the courage to take this leap soon.

Baby Tai

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