Baby Tai

Phew.... my new website is done..... mostly. The more you look at something the more you want to change it, but the features I wanted are all there and I decided I can tweak things as I go. So check out the new and improved Baby Tai. I am going to do a give away in the next week (eh hem... I think....gulp...) so stay tuned for that. In the mean time if you want to advertise for me :-) copy and past the link below! If there is a link of yours you would like me to advertise please let me know.


Fahrenheit 350° said...

I love it! and I hope that I'm the first to add the baby tai button!

The Marley Family said...

Melinda I love the new site! It's great. Let me know if it would be possible to get one of the reversable bags--I loved yours when I saw it--the insert is very useful.

sylvia said...

great job on the website! You make so many cool things (and very well).

Baby Tai

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Mormon Channel