Murdock Christmas Tree Game

I am not sure if my Grandma and Grandpa Murdock created this game or if it was passed down to them as well, but I have fond memories of playing this game every Christmas. When my grandparents where alive we would all sit around their huge table, laugh and play, admire each others creativity, and hope to be the winner. It was the same every time. Grandma would gather the most random toiletry items you could imagine that appeared to have been stored away for years. It was not uncommon to come away the winner with a bar of Ivory soap or a comb, but that only added to the charm. I thought I would share my beloved family tradition with you!

Items needed:
  • 1 piece of paper for every person
  • Crayons or markers
  • 2 dice
  • Random miscellaneous toiletries
The Goal: Draw the best, most creative Christmas tree you can before everyone else.
How to Play:
Everyone gets a piece of paper and takes turns rolling 2 dice in order to create a Christmas tree picture. The goal is to roll the numbers 1-6 in order. Each number corresponds with a specific item that can be drawn. Your first turn your goal is roll a #1. If you roll that number you can then draw your Christmas tree stand. Continue each turn until you have rolled 1-6 and finished drawing your picture. You have to go in numerical order. The numbers represent:
  1. Christmas tree stand
  2. Trunk
  3. Tree
  4. Decorations ( must roll a 4 three times and have at least 3 ornaments)
  5. Presents ( must roll a 5 three times and have at least 3 presents)
  6. Family ( must roll a 6 three time and have at least 3 family members)
1 1 =snake eyes and you have to start all over
The first person to have a completed picture and yell Merry Christmas wins!

After almost 27 years of playing this game my tree has embarrassingly not changed much and is still horrible. We played last night and here are some examples. I added Jason's tree and our good friend Gabe's tree ( I hope you do not mind Gabe) because they were by far the best. Enjoy!


Fahrenheit 350° said...

Very fun game, I can attest! And I agree, best two pictures by far! My favorite part of the evening though is when Jason wanted to play again and started passing out paper and crayons!

Baby Tai

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